Wednesday, 3 August 2016

My Blogging Process

The process a blogger goes through when writing their posts varies from person to person. I, for one, love finding out how other bloggers go about writing posts, planning their schedule or taking photos and that's why I thought for todays post, I'd share my blogging process. Everyone goes about it differently and each person does what suits them, so what I do may not work out for you. But I thought, if you're anywhere near as nosy as me, you may like to know how I go about planning my blog posts.

Post ideas

I'm not normally one for brainstorming ideas or taking time to think up blog posts. Most of my ideas pop into my head during the day, most of the time when I'm out and not near my laptop. If I think of an idea, I usually write it in the Notes app on my phone then transfer it over to the Notes section in my planner. I write any ideas I have in two columns - one for posts I could write now, and one for posts I'll write in the future. I know it's not the most organised way of going about it, but it's what works best for me.

Planning posts

I use this weekly planner I bought from Paperchase to plan out my blog posts. I write down on every day what I need to do - take time to write posts, take photos, comment on other blogs. I also plan out what specific posts I'll write and post on what days so I know in advance. I then tick off everything after I've done it. I only plan a week in advance because my ideas change so much in my head and I think up so many ideas, I feel like planning just for one week suits me best - plus I think if I tried planning out a whole months worth of posts I'd get bored half way through.

Taking photographs

I know quite a lot of people take photos after they write their posts, but I'm one of the people that takes their pictures first. I just find it easier to write my posts around the photos and then take additional ones if I need to, rather than the other way around. I use a Nikon D3100 to take my photos and use natural sunlight, which means my photos all need to be taken during the day. This can be a bit of a hassle but I find my pictures turn out looking better. I use my white window sill as my background which I just prefer for my pictures as I normally do flat lays for my posts. I'm not a professional photographer in any way, and I definitely think this is the past of my blogging process that needs the most help.

Photo editing

To edit my photos, I use Photoshop CC 2015. It do pay monthly for this and there's plenty of other free photo editing services, but I really like Photoshop and it works well for me. It's very easy to use and barely takes me any time at all to edit my photos. I don't do much to edit my photos - mainly brightness, exposure and vibrance - but it's very easy to use more complicated tools.

Writing posts

I normally plan an hour or so to write a post when I know I'll have enough time to complete it. I normally only write one post a day unless I have a lot of motivation - which isn't a lot to be honest. Some posts I write gradually, such as advice posts, where I'll write a bit every so often until I feel like the post is complete. I absolutely love writing posts, and find myself having to edit them quite a lot after I'm done as I ramble quite a lot.


I write my posts in advance so always have to schedule them. I have certain days and times that my posts go up - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6pm - so schedule them for these times. Scheduling your blog posts makes everything so much easier as it means I don't have to be near my laptop when I want my post to go live. After my post is up, I always promote it on social media, especially Twitter. This helps get traffic to my posts as well as gain feedback on what I've wrote about which I absolutely love. I normally tweet my posts with the hashtags #bbloggers or #lbloggers, depending on if the post is beauty or lifestyle, and #blogginggals. I also always tweet @FemaleBloggerRT as they're an account that helps widen your audience by RTing your post to their thousands of followers.

My blogging process isn't anything new or different, but it works well for me and helps make blogging that little bit easier. Let me know what your blogging process is and if it's anything similar to mine. Thank you so much for reading my post and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

See you guys soon x


  1. I really love your planner! I need to have a look next time I'm in paperchase xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. I love it too! The shopping list sections also great for writing in any products I want to buy xx

  2. I love these sorts of post 💗 Mainly because I'm a little nosy 🙈 And I just love reading about how other bloggers work!
