Monday, 20 June 2016

St Tropez: Self Tan Express

I'm a massive fake tan wearer, especially when I'm going out or have something important on. I'm naturally very pale and really love the look fake tan gives me - it's definitely a confidence booster for me. I know a lot of people don't wear fake tan, while others wear it every day, and I'm somewhere in between. St. Tropez has been the brand who I've used the most since I started wearing fake tan and find their products very trustworthy and great quality. For todays post, I thought I would do a review of my current fake tan - the St. Tropez Self Tan Express. I bought this in January and have been loving it ever since. 

I first of all have to say that this product isn't the cheapest, so I wouldn't recommend this if you're on a budget or aren't too fussed about what fake tan you wear. I picked it up after finishing my previous St. Tropez bottle and noticed the Self Tan Express which I hadn't seen before. I really liked how it was a gradual tan rather than instant, which is what I had wore up until that point. I do have to say I prefer it as I can apply my tan the night before, but it isn't the best when you make impromptu plans - I would use my Hoola Zero Tanlines instead (review).

There are so many things that I really enjoy about this tan. Previously, I would have to buy my tan in my chosen shade - light, medium or dark. I would normally go for medium, but would sometimes want a slight glow that was lighter or a darker shade for a night out. This was difficult since my tan was medium and wasn't very buildable. That's why I love Self Tan Express, because you can get a light, medium and dark shade using the one bottle. How it works is that you apply your tan and leave it on for 1 hour for a light shade, 2 hours for a medium shade and 3 hours for a dark shade. I find this so smart and also perfect for me - I alternate my shade depending on what I'm doing and why I'm applying the tan. It's also great that if you want a light shade, you only need to leave it on for an hour and can wash it off which makes it quick and easy.

I also love the fact that it is wash off. My previous tan wasn't and I always found it would come off so easily in the rain or if I got wet in any way. This tan is so much better and I found it hasn't ran or been streaky at all. I absolutely love the colour it gives and the overall tan looks very even. After you've washed it off, you're left with a slight glow and the full tan takes around 8 hours to develop - I've found it to actually be a bit quicker than this. The shades are also very accuarate, which is something I was a but wary of but had no reason to be.

It also lasts for so long - I find myself having to really scrub it off in the shower. Washing daily still leaves the tan looking just as good as it did on the first day which I really love since my prevoius tan barely lasted the night. I also love that it's a mousse, which nowadays the only type of tan I would try. I've found I'm not a fan of sprays as they normally leave me patchy, which I've found mousses don't as much.

Overall, I'm really loving this tan right now. I love how it's gradual, you can choose from 3 different shades, it's quick and easy to use and also looks great after you've applied it. Apart from the slightly high price, I find this tan to be perfect for me. I would highly reccommend this to anyone who's looking for a new tan to try and isn't put off by the price.

Thank you so much for reading my post. Let me know if you've tried this tan and what your opinions on it are. Also, let me know if you're a 'fake tan person' or if you choose not to wear any. I hope you've enjoyed the read and have a lovely lovely day!

See you guys soon x

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